Elementary School » Bilingual Language Arts

Bilingual Language Arts


Our ASL/English bilingual program provides content instruction for Elementary students using both social and academic ASL and English to promote higher levels of language, literacy development and critical thinking skills. Our goal is to keep academic work at grade level in both languages at all times. By linking together the Elementary ASL Language Arts Curriculum and the English Language Arts Framework for California Public Schools for all content areas, students are given a wealth of opportunities for language experience in signing, viewing, reading and writing in both languages.

An overview of the ASL/English Language Arts program follows:

ASL Language Arts

  • CSD Elementary ASL Curriculum: All Elementary students take ASL Maintenance courses taught by two full-time ASL Language Arts in conjunction with grade-level teachers. Maintenance courses further develop students’ natural language, ASL, and provide a spiraling guide building foundations to develop fluent ASL signers.
  • Signacy Framework: Signacy refers to fluency of a signed language, including both receptive and expressive skills. The elements of the Signacy framework include four kinds of ASL viewing, four kinds of ASL signing and the element of sign choice and sign use.
  • ASL Immersion courses: Students who have emerging but limited ASL skills participate in ASL Immersion every day for one hour to focus on development of social and academic ASL in support of overall bilingual acquisition.

English Language Arts
Language Arts Framework and English Language Development Standards for California Public Schools

Balanced Literacy: This framework is designed to help all students learn to read and write independently and in both large and small-group settings. The elements include four kinds of reading, four kinds of writing and word work.

Team Teaching
At each grade-level, Elementary teachers are paired for team-teaching so that two or more teachers plan toward a common goal for each individual child. Team-teachers use different techniques as they teach students within the same classroom. One teacher may present a lesson to the class while the other teacher reinforces each student’s individual needs and monitors student understanding and behavior. Typically, team teachers design an instructional unit together and model lessons to the students. They plan small-group work and encourage student discussion. Often, the class is divided into smaller groups according to learning goals and each teacher is responsible for teaching the same content to the smaller group. While one teacher challenges learners who grasp the concepts more quickly, the other teacher reviews with or re-teaches those students who require further instruction.

Curriculum Mapping
For the second year, Elementary teachers are working with the Curriculum and Media Services department on curriculum mapping for ASL/English Language Arts, Social Studies, Deaf Studies, Science, Physical Education, Health, and Character Education. A grade-level curriculum map is a tool which helps teachers to identify essential questions to incorporate California State Standards and benchmarks for viewing, signing, reading and writing to develop assessments, activities and instructional materials and to make use of technology. Curriculum mapping helps teachers design units of study that are meaningful, relevant and interesting to students. 


Artes de Lenguaje en ASL

Plan de Estudios ASL de la Primaria

Cursos ASL: Todos los alumnos toman cursos para desarrollar mejor su lenguaje natural, ASL. Los cursos son progresivos y establecen una base para desarrollar fluidez en ASL.

Cursos de inmersión: El enfoque es desarrollar una base de lenguaje para los alumnos con habilidades de lenguaje limitadas debido a la falta de estimulación lingüística o a la privación de lenguaje, además tiene la intención de acelerar el proceso de la adquisición del ASL y el bilingüismo en ambos, el ASL y el inglés.

El Esquema de la Señación (Signacy): Señación (Signacy) se refiere a la fluidez de un lenguaje de señas, incluyendo las habilidades receptivas y las expresivas. Los elementos del esquema de la Señación incluyen cuatro formas de ver el ASL, cuatro maneras de hacer señas en ASL y el elemento de la selección y uso de las señas.

Evaluación de las habilidades receptivas y expresivas, y comprensión en ASL.

Planear el contenido de ASL para ayudar en el desarrollo de materiales de instrucción en ASL como primera lengua.

Artes de Lenguaje en Inglés
Los Estándares Estatales Comunes de Artes de Lenguaje en Inglés y los Estándares del Desarrollo de Inglés de las Escuelas Públicas de California

El Esquema de Lectoescritura Balanceado está diseñado para ayudar a los alumnos a aprender a leer y escribir independientemente y ofrece experiencias en ambos, grupos pequeños y grandes. Los elementos incluyen cuatro tipos de lectura, cuatro tipos de escritura y trabajo con palabras.

Servicio de Regularización de Lectura del Entrenador de Lectoescritura para los alumnos del 3o grado que cumplan con el criterio recomendado por el programa de entrenamiento.

California Treasures, un plan de estudios de lectura y artes de lenguaje adoptado por el estado como materiales de lectura suplementarios. El plan de estudios proporciona 4 niveles de lectura diferentes para cada nivel de grado.

Medida del Progreso Académico - un programa de computadora para evaluar la lectura y las artes de lenguaje.