Student Life Forms
Weekend Visit Forms
Students who want to visit a friend who rides the same bus as they do need to fill out the weekend guest form and weekend host form and give the forms to their cottage counselors one week prior to the visit. This ensures that our staff know at which stop the students are to get off the bus, and it communicates parents/guardian’s written permission that the child can be picked up by the other student’s families. If families want to come to the school on Friday to pick up their child and their child’s guest, this should be indicated on the signed guest/host forms.
To qualify for visit privileges, students must have shown appropriate behavior in the cottage, at school and on buses.
No visitation is allowed during the first weekend of the school year and during the summer session
Forma para el Alumno Anfitrión de Fin de Semana
Forma para el Alumno Invitado de Fin de Semana
Permission to use bicycle, Skateboard, Scooters, Skates, or other similar equipment