Local Education Agency Support
Our goal at the Resource Center is to provide ongoing support and consultation to mainstream in the state of California. To start, we will prepare and distribute a manual that delineates service available to all districts. Tailored support will then be extended to accommodate each district’s needs.
Services provided will include web-based distance learning opportunities taught by California Schools for the Deaf instructors and would allow all students, regardless of residence and school placement the opportunity to learn through direct communication.
Webinars and workshops will be available both online and offered on location to faculty teaching in mainstreamed classrooms on the challenges faced by DHH students, best practice pedagogies, bilingual strategies, linguistics and effective classroom techniques. An online library will function as a clearinghouse of resources, including curricula, sign language instruction, legal mandates, and regulations.
Training on the use of accommodations, including support services personnel, sign language interpreters, note-takers, tutors, and captionists would be another important goal. WE will also provide continued consultative support services both in the field and digital in an effort to foster academic excellence for all students through successful collaboration.