Instructional Assessment Services » American Sign Language Assessment

American Sign Language Assessment

All CSD students in the Early Childhood Education (ECE) program through grade 10, and any new student, are assessed twice a year in their primary language, American Sign Language (ASL).
The ASL Social rubric was developed to monitor a student’s abilities and growth in five areas of signing. These include: Sign Production, Vocabulary, Grammar, Discourse, and Fluency.
The Expressive assessment was developed to evaluate 6 traits of the student’s signing/presentation skills. This assessment requires them to compose drafts and edit them according to the six traits which are Ideas, Organization, Voice, Sign Choice, Fluency, and Structure.
Lastly, we have the Comprehension assessment which measures how students respond to ASL literature. The questions have been developed in a hierarchical format applying Bloom’s taxonomy series of higher order thinking skills. Using different assessments allow us to capture a larger picture of the student’s ASL skills to help us showcase their strengths and areas for improvement.